Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story that took place in the Italian city of Verona, where a continuous conflict starts between two families, one called the Capiolite family, to which the girl Juliet belongs, and the other the Montague family, to which the boy Romeo belongs. The ruler of the city tries to impose his authority to spread security and stability, but he fails. The conflicts among them led to revenge, and destruction, and the eternal struggle between them continues.
A huge production of the classic play from a contemporary perspective and interpretation of the Israeli and Arab-Palestinian conflict, with the participation of a large artistic crew of Israeli and Palestinian artists alike.
A unique artistic theatrical experience in Arabic and Hebrew, with the participation of crews from both nations, starting with translation, acting, production and directing.
Directed by: Fouad Awad and Eran Baniel
Cast: Muhammed Bakri, Allisa Rosen, Boris Akhanov, Khalife Natour, Orna Katz, George Ibrahim, July Erel, Dirar Suleiman, Ghassan Abbas, Bassam Zoumut, Khaled el Masou, Husam Jweles, Yoram Yosephsberg, Zev Shimshon, Arie Tcherner, Gaviar Katz, Eyal Sery and Gilat Hadi.