The Fisherman and the Fish (2019)

The play begins when the old man catches a goldfish, that fulfills all the demands that’s been told the fisherman but with his old wife’s greed. The old woman is insatiable and constantly has new demands. And when the old woman became super greedy and crossed all the lines the fish gets angry and returns her to her to the previous life – poverty, this play teaches kids to stay humble and to never be greedy with your demands, be sufficient with what you have.


Story by : Alexander Pushkin

Edited by : Ronet Hakham

Translation : Mohammed Manadre

Director and Scenography: Fouad Awad

Costume Design : Toufiq Saeed

Building Puppets : Gelly Olmer , Yana Mulchiv , Kelly Klamance

Music : Moen Danial

Cast: Mohammed Manadre, Souad Zoabi

Produced by: Al Khayal Theatre
